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Whispering Sea, Site Specific Installation, Video, Fabric Sculptures, Murals, 2024

The sea whispered that three children were born. These children are humans but muchmore. They stand on the verge of a world that is changing forever. Conflicts emerge anddreams are lived. Life changes but the sea remains the same. The sea continues towhisper.

The Whispering Sea is an exhibition about imagination as a political tool for postcolonialand anticolonial social resistance. Embedded in social realities Whispering Sea envisionsemancipation through social science fiction.


In collaboration with Binita Limbani, Soumik Ghosh, Shibayan Halder, SwagataBhattacharyya, Suvojit Roy, Santanu Dey, Susanta Saha, Bipul Roy, Anudipa Mukherjee,Ashish Sutradhar, Dip Mukherjee Sen, Rajlakshmi, Martha McCulloch, Rebecca Strain,Patricia Spokes, Kevin McLaughlin, Caoimhe Stones and Tadhg Taylor.


The project is generously supported by The Arts Council of Ireland and organised byArtlink Fort Dunree.

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